This blog is all about my fun childhood memories (even though some I don't remember because it was so long ago).
Childhood Madness
On this page you can see the blogging of me talking a out some of the fun things I did wehen I was super young.
This is a picture of me and my twin brother Will when we were sitting in a stroller but it had two seats instead of one because we are twins. My mom always told me stories about how when we were young she would just be walking down the street and people would come up to us and tell her how cute we were. It was probably suprise to most people to see twin babies. It is special enough to see a baby on its own but then you multiply that baby by 2 and you have to babbies that look pretty alike, and it seems pretty magical. I dont have much memory at all of me sitting in a stroller with Will but I do have to say I wish that I could still have the luxury of a stroller because they seem so comfortable and I also wish I could just take naps all the time.
This photo shows me with my whole immediate family. It is me, my twin Will, my older sister who is 20 years old now, my mom and dad. This is a pretty cute it I do say so myself. I love this phot because I have no memory of my parents being together because they got divorced when I was like one year old, so this is one of the small amount of pictures of our whole immediate family together before my dad broke up with my mom. I still kind of wonder what it would be like if my mom and dad would still be together but I feel like things would just be so bad becuse they would be mad at each other all the time. This is one of my favorite photos because I am so young in this photo. I'm guessing I'm probably like three months old or even younger than that.
This last photo of me is of me and my best friend from all of elementary school named Deacon. I have the best memories with him. Literally all of my memories are of fun things that him and I did. We had a great time all the time, and definaetly did some things that we should not have done but it was all worth it. These things that we did just brought our friendship closer together. We got introuble all the time but now it all just makes for a better story. This photo was when we were in first grade. I think we both wanted to be some sort of transformers or siomething. We wore these costumes thinking we were the coolest people on campus. We made sure to have the same sort of costume. It was such a huge deal when wore this. It was so much fun with Deacon, though. I really did have a lot of great friendships in elementary school.
I hope you learned a couple of fun things about me and if you want tyo lern more you can search up my name on the internet "Ford Harman" or go to my website "" to learn more about me.